
25 Movie Reviews

13 w/ Responses

This was a really good animation. I liked the voice acting in it and I especially like the fact that you took what people would do to a cute baby and applied it to donkeys. When you flashed a shot of the baby donkey's face I got a small chuckle. That baby donkey was very "handsome", lol. Aside from that this was a pretty solid animation and the only thing that I really noticed to be improved were the older donkey's VERY back leg. It looked rather straight and kind of skinny to be a leg, but that didn't deter from this animation. Good work!

This movie was awesome! I really liked the mixture of sprites and footage. It worked out really well! The timing was very well played out and the voices were perfect. They nailed the characters and I really liked how you switched from first person to second/third person. One thing I thought that could have used improvement was the lip synching on the English Brothers. Instead of a cube, maybe give them a mouth like Johnny? It's just a suggestion. Another thing I would recommend is a play and replay button for flash. I know Youtube already has that covered, but if you're going to put things on Newgrounds ad play/replay button would be appreciated. Overall this was a solid film and I'll be on the look out for more of your stuff. Great work!

P.S. I liked the Native Americans in the end! Nice touch!

teaandcheese responds:

Hi, Thanks for your comments and suggestions - we'll definitely put a play/replay button on future vids :D Cheers!

It's not a bad little film here, but I feel like you began to crap out in the end which is really unfortunate. The animation seemed great at the start, but as it continued on I felt like you started lose interest in the project. Another thing that could use improvement is the voices of the characters in the beginning. They seem really low compared to the background soundtrack. Overall the animation started out very strong, but deteriorated over its course. 3/5

Fucking awesome.

All the way alive


I make shit.

Art shit.


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